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Lekhny Story -13-Feb-2024

Title: "Words Woven: A Poet's Tribute to Mrs. Sangeetha"

Author: Sree Varshini R ( WRITER)

Genre: Poem

In the realm of poetry, where verses take flight, I am Sree Varshini, bathed in the writer's light. But every word penned, every line I craft, Is nurtured by the guidance of a mentor steadfast.

In the halls of Bishop Heber's esteemed domain, I found my muse, my mentor, my guiding flame. Mrs. Sangeetha Mam... with wisdom's gentle hand, Shaped me into the poet I am, across the land.

With each stanza I weave, each metaphor I explore, I owe it all to her, forevermore. For without her guidance, her nurturing grace, I'd be adrift in the vast poetic space.

From budding poet to writer's pen, My dear S.G mam.. guided me, again and again. Her words of wisdom, her encouragement so kind, Lit the fire in my poet's mind.

In the journey of becoming who I am today, My dear mam's presence led the way. Through every triumph, every strife, She stood by me, shaping my life.

So here's to my dear mam., my guiding light, In her wisdom, I found my might. For without her, I'd be lost at sea, A poet adrift, without a decree.

But with her by my side, I'll always soar, In the realm of poetry, forevermore. For in my dear mam.., I found my muse, And in her teachings, I'll never lose.


Mohammed urooj khan

14-Feb-2024 01:43 PM



Reena yadav

13-Feb-2024 09:48 PM

